New York Theater City
- Project: Conceptual Master Plan of NYTC
- Design Team: Farzan Shamasblou, Mohamad Akbari, Hanie Niroomandi, Sara Sodeir.
- Project Type: Cultural
- Area: ~60000 m²
- Location: Manhattan, New York.
- Status: Design, Competition Proposal.
- Design Year: 2011
Theoretical view
Theatre city in a plain words is composed of two parts City and Theater. This name represents a place of context of a city in form of theatre concept.The reason we call it is surely the background of the city where is situation in the area of Manhatan and finally in new york region. Hence for discovering interaction between different part of it we consider the common sense of the background and its concept in brief and discover ideas and plat form policies.
A theatre has a deep interaction and encounter relations with two worths. Confornting berween each of following concepts such as comedy and drame, sadness and happiness,crying and laughing portraits, solidity and weakness… has its own meaning which can find more meaning by confronts with its antithetical. In other words, presence of these opposing parts forms a single theatre character which is cheerful and optimistic among its parts.
When we look at the plans and area photos of manhattan are widely look that, we can see confrontation between the urban modular system and natural oraganism. The important point is that the confrontation continued until the smaller scale will be. General area of Manhattan is in a shape of natural Island . Then the area affected by severe network and modular logic functions were parallel streets and intersections perpendicular to the plate and some square and rectangular shape is created. Among the plaques on the central park central areas. Will flaunt and visual milestone in the plan has become Manhattan. This time this process occurs on the photographs. Foreign area park. by order of urban modular structure is defined and a regular geometry and logic, but in the context of the logical design of a fluid to the eye eats. Broadway street, is another example of manhattan components that unlike their margins if the field of modular fluid network is checked and the city split the orientation block their margins are not affected. Meanwhile, the axis of the fluid by the rigid block and is defined as cubic. These examples and others has given a view full of dramatic art dichotomy to Manhattan, in a way that his picture partly represent a theater town and it is also considered as a basis of the desired project.
Concept Description
The principle and dominant idea of the project is composition floats between contextual concept and conceptual context. Considering the above, the desired concept for this project is based on mentioned above concept with a dramatic and paradoxical figure formed by dual urban structures (in Manhattan) and the continuity of natural solidity, horizontal and vertical, complexity and simplicity, Large scale exterior to small-scale interior spaces to express their own identity.